Monday, January 7, 2013


We had our dinner at Arano's restaurant in Banawa. At first glance, you wouldn't notice a restaurant even exists as it has this wooden door only - no windows or anything that we can peek through.

Actually, we kinda knocked the door and realized it's a public place after all. So, you can just enter freely. Haha.

I haven't really expected to see a spacious area beyond THAT door. We opted for a table outside the air-conditioned room to feel it more. So, we ordered!

Well, their Paella was just simply unforgettable.

There were a lot of customers occupying some of the tables as well. It was the night we talked about LOVE, seriously. Hahaha.

Their music was also good. I'm still wondering where I saved their menu. I'll update this post once I find it!